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School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia

  • Qualification

    PhD, Master of Pharmacy (Clinical Pharmacy), Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons)

  • Deputy Dean/Associate Professor

    Discipline of Clinical Pharmacy

  • Coordinator

    Master of Pharmacy (Clinical Pharmacy) 

  • Room

    J01 Room 129

  • Contact

    +604-6577888 Ext. 2264

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Author ID

Hadzliana Zainal, Assoc Prof Dr

Dr. Hadzliana Zainal is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia where she has been a member since 2008. She is the Coordinator for the MPharm Program for the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Hadzliana completed her PhD in Nephrology in 2016 in University College London. Her previous work was drug repurposing to target the ErBB pathway in the treatment of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Her research interests are mainly in clinical pharmacy, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modelling and translational medicine. She is  active in clinical pharmacy based research and is supervising 8 PhD and 2 MSc. students. Hadzliana is a member of the MyPharmetrixGroup and PAGMAS that is affiliated to many international institutions and has served many conferences and workshop committees. She has been invited as speaker for human and animal study related workshops, running toxicology studies and is one of the trainers for OECD-GLP training for study directors.

Research interest revolves around pharmacokinetic & pharmacodynamic modelling and translational medicine.
Current work involves the application of pharmacometrics in human and animal clinical trial of Mitragynine speciosa, stroke related studies, medication safety in paediatrics, pharmacovigilance and clinical pharmacy related studies.

Ongoing Research

  1. Factors Affecting Tacrolimus Concentrations In Malaysian Adult Kidney Transplant Recipients (Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society Malaysia Grant)
  2. Adherence to Stroke Guideline and the Pharmacoeconomic Outcomes
  3. Modeling the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (PKPD) of Kratom Juice Ketum and Pain Tolerance (Centre for Drug Research USM under HiCOE grant)
  4. Modeling the Mitragynine and Brain PKPD (Centre for Drug Research USM under HiCOE grant)
  5. Validation of neoGent PK model into the Malaysian neonate setting
  6. Determining the clinical and economic characteristics that influences personalised stroke care
  7. Liquid medication use for children among care takers
  8. Pharmacovigilance and medication safety practices
  1. Clinical Pharmacy
  2. Pharmacometrics
  3. PKPD modeling
  4. Nephrology
  5. Neurology
  6. Medication safety
  1. Sha’aban A, Zainal H, Khalil NA, Abd Aziz F, Ch’ng ES, Teh C-H, Mohammed M, Ibrahim B. Prediction of Low-Dose Aspirin-Induced Gastric Toxicity Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy-Based Pharmacometabolomics in Rats. Molecules. 2022; 27(7):2126.
  2. Mohammed M, Sha'aban A, Jatau AI, Yunusa I, Isa AM, Wada AS, Obamiro K, Zainal H, Ibrahim B. Assessment of COVID-19 Information Overload Among the General Public. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2022 Feb;9(1):184-192.
  3. Elhefnawy ME, Ghadzi SMS, Albitar O, Tangiisuran B, Zainal H, Looi I, Sidek N, Aziz ZA, Harun SN. Predictor Naïve Temporal Baseline Hazard of Recurrent Ischemic Stroke. doi:10.21203/
  4. Ooi Poh Ling, Long Chiau Ming, Baharudin Ibrahim, Qi Ying Lean, Hadzliana Binti Zainal, Pharmacists’™ Interventions on Electronic Prescriptions from Various Specialty Wards in a Malaysian Public Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Study, Pharmacy, 2021, 9(4), 161.
  5. Tan Sze Ling, Yong Zai Yang, Jerry Ee Siung Liew, Sania Siddiqui, Hadzliana Binti Zainal, How confident are pharmacists in providing pharmaceutical care on anticoagulants? A cross-sectional, self-administered questionnaire study in Borneo, Malaysia, Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 2021,97.
  6. Shahid Iqbal, Irfhan Ali, Hadzliana Binti Zainal, Respiratory-tract infections among geriatrics: prevalence and factors associated with the treatment outcomes, Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease, 2021,15(1-9)
  7. Abubakar Sadiq Wada, Sagir Mustapha, Anas Haruna, Mubarak Husaini Ahmad, Surajuddeen Muhammad, Ahmed Danbala Ahmed, Abubakar Ibrahim Jatau, Fatima Zaji Mohammed, Auwal Adam Bala, Abbas Musa, Salim Iliyasu, Basira Kankia Lawal, Abubakar Sha'Aban, Mustapha Mohammed, Hadzliana Binti Zainal, Factors associated with acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine among University health sciences students in Northwest Nigeria, PLOS ONE, 2021.
  8. Sagir Mustapha, Ong Siew Chin, Fatimatuzzahra' Binti Abd. Aziz, Abubakar Sha'Aban, Irene Looi, Balamurugan A/l Tangiisuran, Mustapha Mohammed, Hadzliana Binti Zainal, Trends In Output Of Research In Clinical Prediction Models Of Stroke Outcomes: A Bibliometric Analysis, ASM Science Journal, 2021,16, special issue 2.
  9. Balamurugan A/l Tangiisuran, Hadzliana Binti Zainal, Irene Looi, Khairul Azmi Ibrahim, Norsima Nazifah Sidek, Keat Wei Loo, Zariah Abdul Aziz, Keng Yee Lee, Sabariah Noor Binti Harun, 2021, Population-based Study Comparing Predictors of Ischemic Stroke Recurrence After Index Ischemic Stroke in Non-elderly Adults with or without Diabetes., International Journal of General Medicine, 2021.
  10. Albitar O, Harun SN, Abidin NE, Tangiisuran B, Zainal H, Looi I, et al. Predictors of Recurrent Ischemic Stroke in Obese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Population-based Study. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2020;29(10):1–7.
  11. Albitar O, Harun SN, Zainal H, Ibrahim B, Ghadzi SMS. Population Pharmacokinetics of Clozapine: A Systematic Review. Vol. 2020, BioMed Research International. 2020.
  12. Siddiqui S, Zainal H, Harun SN, Ghadzi SMS. Diet quality and its association with glycemic parameters in different diabetes progression stages. A cross-sectional questionnaire study at a primary care clinic. Clin Nutr ESPEN [Internet]. 2020; 39:165–72.
  13. Mohammed M, Zainal H, Tangiisuran B, Harun SN, Ghadzi SM, Looi I, et al. Impact of adherence to key performance indicators on mortality among patients managed for ischemic stroke. Pharm Pract (Granada). 2020;18(1).
  14. Siddiqui S, Zainal H, Harun SN, Sheikh Ghadzi SM, Ghafoor S. Gender differences in the modifiable risk factors associated with the presence of prediabetes: A systematic review. Diabetes Metab Syndr Clin Res Rev [Internet]. 2020;14(5):1243–52.
  15. Mohamed Azmi Bin Ahmad Hassali, Amer Hayat Khan, Ali Akhtar, Hadzliana Binti Zainal (2020) Prevalence and Treatment Outcomes of Skin Infections among Elderly Population, The Journal of Dermatological Treatment.
  1. FAR341 Respiratory, Renal, Blood System And Therapy
  2. FAR355 Clinical Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacotherapeutic Monitoring
  3. FAR354 Pharmacoinformatics : Theory And Application
  4. FAR457 Medication Counseling Practice
  5. FCP551 Pharmacotherapeutic I
  6. FCP552 Pharmacotherapeutic II
  7. FCP560 Clinical Pharmacokinetics
  8. FCP561 Medicine Clerkship
  9. FEL508 Research And Dissertation
  1. Study Director for GLP Contract Research for Dermal Toxicity
  1. Dzul Azri Bin Mohamed Noor, Hadzliana Binti Zainal, Maizurah Binti Omar, Mohd Fadhli Bin Razali, Sazaroni Binti Md Rashid, Kamishibai Story Telling Training-Of-Trainers (Tot) Modules. Modules 2: Development Of Kamishibai Storytelling Skills, LY2018002593, 29/06/2018
  1. Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang, Universiti Sains Malaysia (2011)
  2. Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang, Universiti Sains Malaysia (2017)
  3. Silver medal at University Carnival on e-LEARNING (IUCEL) (2017) Simulated Pseudo On-call Activity
  4. Silver medal at University Carnival on e-LEARNING (IUCEL) (2018) Let's LASE the Clinic (Learn, Acquire, Simulate, Execute)