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School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia

PRP R&D (Academia@USM)


If you are in a dilemma whether to follow your passion to pursue a postgraduate degree as an extra academic credential for yourself or to get the FRP status first, we have an ideal solution for you. The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (PPSF), USM is now offering a PRP training track in Research & Development (R&D) Academia which allows you to enjoy the best of both worlds. 

PRP R&D Academia@USM is a unique professional-training-cum-academic-programme combining both PRP training and a Master's degree. Under this track, the PRP will undergo a 12-week pharmacy practice attachment at the hospital (outpatient and inpatient pharmacies) and spend the rest of the weeks at PPSF working on a research project. At the end of the programme, you will be registered under the Pharmacy Board of Malaysia (aka Lembaga Farmasi Malaysia) as a fully registered pharmacist (FRP) and be awarded a Master's degree, subject to the fulfilment of the programme requirements. 

Why choose PRP R&D Academia at USM?

  • Fast-track to attain full registration as an FRP and a Master's degree
  • Skip the long wait for PRP posting
  • Acquire both pharmacy practice and research skills
  • Give an extra edge to your career as a registered pharmacist. 
  • Broaden your career options to the R&D industry, pharmaceutical industry and academia
  • A Master's degree from the leading pharmacy school in Malaysia and Top 100 in Asia (QS Ranking by Pharmacology & Pharmacy Subject 2025)

PRP Academia Components

PRP Academia consists of two major components that must be completed within a total of 52 weeks:

a) Research Component (40 Weeks)

  • Conducted under the supervision of your main supervisor/preceptor.
  • Requirements for successful completion include:
    1. Preparation and Presentation of a Proposal:
      • Evidence: TRX proposal presentation, panel evaluation, and attendance records.
    2. Conducting Research:
      • Includes obtaining ethical approval, data collection, and data analysis.
    3. Presentation of Research Findings:
      • Research findings must be presented. This session will be organized by your supervisor/preceptor.
    4. Preparation and Submission of a Manuscript:
      • You must achieve at least one objective or complete one part of your project that is publishable.
      • The manuscript must be related to the PRP Academia project.
      • You will be assessed on your ability to write a manuscript.
    5. Demonstration of Positive Attitudes in Compliance with Research Ethics:
      • Ethical and professional conduct throughout the research process is mandatory.
  • Assessment: Your research performance will contribute to the final PRP marks. Supervisors/preceptors must ensure that the project covers the components listed above.
  • Attitude and Research Ethics:  Account for 20% of the overall PRP assessment.

b) Hospital Attachment (12 Weeks)

  • Hospital attachment must be completed within 12 continuous weeks.
  • Options for hospitals in Penang include:
    1. Penang General Hospital
    2. Seberang Jaya Hospital
    3. Balik Pulau Hospital
    4. Hospital Kepala Batas
    5. Hospital Bukit Mertajam
  • You may provide up to three (3) preferred hospitals, but the final placement depends on hospital acceptance.
  • The hospital attachment can be done at any point during your PRP training. However, it must not jeopardize the research component.
  • Planning: Thorough planning with your preceptor/main supervisor is essential to manage both research and hospital attachment components.

Overall timeline of PRP Academia

PRP timeline

For further details, consult the PRP Academia Logbook provided by LFM here: PRP Academia Logbook 2023.

How to apply for the PRP R&D programme?


To apply for PRP Academia @USM, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a registered postgraduate student at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).
  • PRP Academia is only allowed for full-time local postgraduate students doing research mode.
  • Once registered as a postgraduate student, you can proceed with the PRP registration process.

Registration Process

  1. Identify a supervisor (Find your potential supervisor here) and discuss your research and PRP plan with him/her
  2. Register with IPS USM as a USM postgraduate student  (Apply here)
  3. Identify a PRP preceptor registered with the Pharmacy Board of Malaysia (See here)
  4. Prepare the required documents for registration with the Pharmacy Board of Malaysia 
    1. Offer letter from IPS USM 
    2. Signed Preceptor-PRP agreement
    3. Research proposal
    4. Completed FLL (ii) form (Download here)
    5. Letter of Offer for PRP Academia from USM (Fill in this request form here. Documents (i)-(iv) are required)
    6. Signed USM-PRP agreement (USM-PRP agreement comes together with Document (v))
  5. Email all the documents to the Pharmacy Board of Malaysia at and cc to the Preceptor and PPSF at least two (2) weeks before the date of training stated in the USM-PRP agreement.
  6. Upon receiving the approval (a notification letter via email) from the Pharmacy Board of Malaysia, submit the following documents to PPSF:
    1. One copy of every document in (4)
    2. Notification letter from the Pharmacy Board of Malaysia
    3. Signed Page 2 of PRP Academic Logbook (Download here)
    4. Signed 'Responsibilities of PRP' form (Download here)
  7. Registration is done. You may begin your PRP journey at USM.  

During PRP-ship 

All PRPs must download all the following documents (Download here) and get them completed and verified by the preceptors by the end of the PRP-ship. 

  1. PRP Academia@USM Training Handbook
  2. Medication Counselling Guideline by the Ministry of Health Malaysia
  3. Counselling Technique Assessment Form (For the preceptors to assess the PRPs' counselling skills)

How to apply for PRP attachment at the hospital?

  1. Six hospitals in Pulau Pinang take PRP attachment, namely Hospital Pulau Pinang, Hospital Seberang Jaya, Hospital Bukit Mertajam, Hospital Kepala Batas, Hospital Sungai Bakap and Hospital Balik Pulau. 
  2. PRP can select any 4 out of 6 options, then complete the PRP Hospital Attachment form and get it endorsed by the preceptor.
  3. PRP then emails the form to Bahagian Perkhidmatan Farmasi at Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pulau Pinang at (Pn Amirah Hanani) and CC to Assoc Prof Dr Siti Maisharah Sheikh Ghadzi ( and Mr. Khairul Azly Abdul Kadir (
  4. JKN will forward your application with the hospitals of your choice. 
  5. Hospital which agrees to receive the PRP will notify the JKN. The result will be forwarded to the School.
  6. PRP will be informed of the application result by the School.

PRP Academia Completion

  1. Timeline: PRP Academia must be completed within 52 weeks:
    • Research Component: 40 weeks
    • Hospital Attachment: 12 weeks
    • You may choose to:
      • Start with the hospital attachment.
      • Start with the research component.
      • Complete the hospital attachment during the research period.
      • PRP Academia hospital attachment timelinesThe figure above illustrates the possible timelinesfor R&D and hospital attachment- please discuss with your preceptor/main supervisor to align with your research project

  1. Postgraduate Study Completion:
    • You do not need to complete your entire postgraduate study to complete the PRP Academia.
    • However, for the Research & Development (R&D) component, you must achieve at least one project objective to allow assessment of your research skills.
  2. Offer Letters:
    • You must accept the offer letter issued by the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences before proceeding with the LFM application.
    • The final offer letter for PRP Academia will be issued by Lembaga Farmasi Malaysia.

Important things to remember:

  1. Ensure compliance with the guidelines set in the PRP Academia Logbook provided by LFM.
  2. Thoroughly plan your timeline for hospital attachment and research components with your preceptor/main supervisor.
  3. Maintain professionalism, ethical conduct, and positive attitudes throughout the PRP training period.
  4. Refer to the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and LFM for any further clarifications.
  5. It is crucial to thoroughly understand the PRP Academia Logbook and discuss the components that will be assessed with your preceptor/main supervisor before registering with Lembaga Farmasi Malaysia.

For more information, please kindly contact the Programme Coordinator, Assoc Prof Dr Siti Maisharah Sheikh Ghadzi (

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