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School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Mehdi Riazi

Mehdi Riazi, Dr.
Senior Lecturer
B. A (Iran)
M. Sc.(USA)
J02 Room 125
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Tel : 604-6577888 Ext. 2227
Email :


Pharmaceutical Technology

Research Interest

Identification of new  molecular and diagnostic  biomarkers for various infectious diseases with a particular interest on leptospirosis.


Isolation and identification of both pathogenic and non-pathogenic (contaminants) bacterial and fungal agents in various samples.


Sterility testing on pharmaceutical products. Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of  pharmaceutical preparations . Evaluation of  disinfectants efficacy.

Selected Publication

1.  Siti Aminah Ahmad, Doblin Anak Sandai, Suzana M, Hoe Chee Hock, Mehdi Riazi, Lau Kwok Leong, Tang Thean Hock. A Multiplex PCR for the Rapid Diagnosis of Leptospirosis. Malays J Med Sci. Accepted 9 Jan,2012

2.  Riazi, M., Abdul Rani, B., Fairuz, A., and Zainul, F.Z.  A Low Molecular Weight Lipopolysaccharide Antigen Preparation Reactive to Acute Leptospirosis  Heterologous Sera. Tropical Biomedicine Vol. 27(2) 2010, pp. 241-253

3. Lau, KL., Tang, TH., Mehdi, R., and Nazalan, MN.  PCR Assay for Detection of Leptospira Spp.  The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol. 12, Suppl. 1, 2005

4. Rahmah, N. , Lim, B.H., Mehdi, R. Nazmi, M.N.  Treatment Follow-up of Brugia malayi Microfilaraemic and Amicrofilaraemic individuals with Serological Evidence of Active Infection. Malaysian Journal of Microbiology Vol. 1(1) 2005, pp. 42-47

5. Lim, B.H., Rahmah N, Affifi, S.A.B. &  Ramli, A. & Mehdi, R. , Comparison of Brugia-Elisa and thick blood smear examination in a prevalence study of brugian filariasis in Setiu, Terengganu, Malaysia. Medical Journal of Malaysia 2001;  56(4): 491-496.

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