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School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Baharudin Ibrahim

baharudin ibrahim2

Baharudin Ibrahim, Dr.
B.Pharm (Hons)(USM)
M.Pharm (Clinical Pharmacy) (USM)
PhD (Manchester, U.K)
J01 Room 110
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Tel : 604-6533888 Ext. 5839
Email :


Clinical Pharmacy

Research Interest

My research interests are the pharmacotherapy, biomarkers identification for diagnosis and phenotyping, personalized medicine, and translational and multidisciplinary research involving metabolomics and pharmacometabonomics, in particular pulmonary and infectious diseases.

The complexity and invasiveness of many medical investigations hinder the diagnosis, phenotyping and management of many diseases. Several techniques have been explored to aid these processes for the past decades including genomics and proteomics. However, due to the limitations of these methods especially lack of environmental and functional elements, a new technique called metabolomics has emerged. Metabolomics is a descriptive study of all the metabolites (metabolome) in a cellular system while pharmacometabonomics is an approach to personalizing drug treatment by predicting the outcome (e.g efficacy or toxicity) of a drug or xenobiotic intervention in an individual based on mathematical model (chemometrics) of pre-intervention metabolite fingerprints or profiles.

I have worked with international collaborators, pharmaceutical companies and other researchers in a study called Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate End-points (ECLIPSE) study. It is a multi-centre 3-year longitudinal study to identify predictive surrogate endpoints and to compare these with FEV1 for their ability to measure and predict COPD severity and its progression over time. I have also involved in a ten-year longitudinal study aimed at identifying factors that can determine the prognosis of asthma called ASMAL (Assessment of Manchester Asthmatics/Atopics Longitudinally). This study involved laboratory investigations such as spirometry and reversibility measurements, skin prick test, bronchial challenge, cough challenge, sputum induction and analysis, and fraction exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) measurement. I was also involved in phenotyping asthma and COPD based on sputum eosinophils and neutrophils (inflammatory markers) and steroid treatment.

Currently, I am collaborating with several disciplines such as clinical pharmacy, pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry in developing the metabolomics techniques for use in clinical, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals.


  • Clinical Pharmacy
  • Genomics, Metabolomics & Pharmacometabonomics
  • Analytical instruments and softwares such as gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometer (GC-TOF-MS), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for gas and liquid sample processing.
  • Use of statistical and data mining and processing softwares (e.g SPSS, SIMCA-P, DOSY Toolbox, AMDIS, Chenomx and Markerlynx)
  • Multivariate data analysis and statistical modelling (e.g Regression analysis, PCA, SIMCA, PLS-DA and OPLS-DA)


Clinical pharmacy, genomics, metabolomics, pharmacometabonomis, multivariate data analysis and chemometrics.

Selected Publication

  1. Shafie AA,Hassali MA, Ibrahim B, Hassali JB. Evaluation of asthma knowledge and management among rural adult patients in a Malaysian district hospital. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2008;16 (Supp 2). B10.
  2. Marsden PA, Ibrahim B, Woodcock AA, Fowler SJ, Smith JA. Cough Frequency and Measures of Quality of Life in Asthma. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2009; 179:A5758. (ISI IF: 11.99)
  3. Marsden PA, Ibrahim B, Woodcock AA, Fowler SJ, Smith JA. Cough and Disease Control in Asthma. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2009; 179:A5757. (ISI IF: 11.99)
  4. Marsden PA, Ibrahim B, Yates L, Woodcock A, Fowler SJ, Smith JA. Cough, Airway Inflammation and Asthma Control. Thorax 2009; 64: A15-A16. (ISI IF: 8.56)
  5. Ibrahim B, Marsden P, Morris J, Smith J, Custovic A, Nilsson M, Fowler SJ. NMR Spectroscopy of Exhaled Breath Condensate in the Diagnosis of Asthma:  Validation and Reproducibility. European Respiratory Journal 2010;A1271:227S. (ISI IF: 7.13)
  6. Ibrahim B, Basanta M, Cadden P, Morris M, Singh D, Woodcock A, Fowler SJ. Breath analysis for discriminating and phenotyping COPD and asthma. European Respiratory Journal 2010;A3841:684S (ISI IF: 7.13)
  7. Ibrahim B, Basanta M, Cadden P, et al. Metabolomics Of Breath Volatile Organic Compounds For The Diagnosis And Inflammatory Phenotyping Of Adult Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2010;181:A4266.(ISI IF: 11.99)
  8. Ibrahim B, Marsden P, Morris J, et al. Metabolomic Analysis Of Exhaled Breath Condensate By NMR Spectroscopy Discriminates Inflammatory Phenotypes In Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2010;181:A3725.(ISI IF: 11.99)
  9. Ibrahim B, Basanta M, Dockry R, et al. Exhaled Volatile Organic Compounds As Potential Biomarkers In Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2010;181:A1012. (ISI IF: 11.99)
  10. Ibrahim B, Basanta M, Cadden P, Singh D, Douce D, Woodcock A, Fowler SJ. Non-invasive phenotyping using exhaled volatile organic compounds in asthma. Thorax 2011;66:804-809. (ISI IF: 8.56)
  11. M Basanta, B Ibrahim, D Douce, M Morris, A woodcock and S J Fowler. Methodology validation, intra-subject reproducibility and stability of exhaled volatile organic compounds. J. Breath Res. 2012;6(2). (ISI IF: 3.59)
  12. M Basanta, B Ibrahim, R Dockry, D Douce, M Morris, D Singh, A Woodcock and SJ Fowler.Exhaled volatile organic compounds for phenotyping chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; a cross-sectional study. Respiratory Research 2012;13(1);72. (ISI IF: 3.38)
  13. YO Sari, MB Bahari, B. Ibrahim. Clinical Review of Total Parenteral Nutrition use among Pediatrics: Critics and Outcomes. International Journal of Pharmacy and Life Sciences 2013;4(4):2521-2529.
  14. B. Ibrahim, P. Marsden, JA. Smith, A. Custovic, M. Nilsson, SJ. Fowler. Breath Metabolomic Profiling by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Asthma. Allergy 2013 Aug;68(8). (ISI IF: 6.00)
  15. YO Sari, MB Bahari, B. Ibrahim. Clinical characteristics and socio-demographic differences of Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN ) practices in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health 2013;6(2).
  16. Zakaria AD, Khan AH, Hadi MA, Ibrahim B. Metastasis of Sigmoid Colon Cancer to the Breast and Uterus: A Case-Study. Trop Med Surg 2013;1:118.
  17. Arwa M. Amin, Baharudin Ibrahim, Azmi Sarriff. Acyclovir Induced Acute Kidney Injury In Acute Meningitis Patient: A Case Report Highlights the Concurrence Of AKI Risk Factors And The Neutropenic Effect Of Ticlopidine. IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy 2014;4(10):58-62
  18. Hamza Mohamed Amin Mostafa, Arwa Mohamed Amin Mostafa, Nor Hayati Arif, Chin-Hoe Teh, Vikneswaran Murugaiyah, Baharudin Ibrahim. Metabolomic Analysis of Blood and Urine to identify Alcohol-Dependence Biomarkers. The Medical Journal of Penang Hospital 2014 (Supp).
  19. Abdulkader Ahmad Bawadikji, Forough Ebrahimi, Muhamad Ali Sheikh Abdul Kader, Omar Ismail, Syed Azhar Syed Sulaiman, Baharudin Ibrahim. Differentiation Of Plasma Metabolite Profiles Of The Patients On Warfarin With Stable And Unstable International Normalized Ratio. The Medical Journal of Penang Hospital 2014 (Supp).
  20. Abdulkader Ahmad Bawadikji, Forough Ebrahimi, Muhamad Ali Sheikh Abdul Kader, Omar Ismail, Syed Azhar Syed Sulaiman, Baharudin Ibrahim. Identification Of Plasma Metabolites To Predict Warfarin Response Based On International Normalized Ratio. Asean Heart Journal 2014 Special Edition
  21. B. Ibrahim, SAS Sulaiman, AA Bawadikji. Metabolomics and pharmacometabonomics approaches for diagnosis of diseases and predicting drug response. Malaysian Journal of Pharmacy 2014:1 (11).
  22. A. Nori, B. Ibrahim, M.A. Sheikh Abdul Kader, M.A. Ahmad Hassali, R. Awang. Prevalence and evaluation of erectile dysfunction in the practice of the specialized cardiology clinic in Northern Malaysia. European Heart Journal 2014;35:881S (ISI IF: 14.72)
  23. Abdulkader Ahmad Bawadikji, Syed Azhar Syed Sulaiman, Ahmad Zainuddin Yunus, Muhamad Ali Bin Sheikh AbdulKader, Baharudin Ibrahim. Identifying the Particular Human Plasma Metabolites Which Produces the Best Response from Warfarin Based on International Normalized Ratio. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2015;65(17). (ISI IF: 15.34)
  24. A. Nori1, B. Ibrahim1, M A. Seikh Abdul Kader2, M A. Hassali3, R. Awang. Determinants Of Self-Discontinuation Of Secondary Prevention Medications By Coronary Heart Disease Outpatients: Focus On the Role of Erectile Dysfunction.Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2015;65(17) (ISI IF: 15.34)
  25. Chee Fai Sui, Chiau Ming Long, Chin Fen Neoh, Baharudin Ibrahim. VitalQPlus: Potential Screening Tool For Early Diagnosis Of Copd. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 2015;10. (ISI IF: 3.14)
  26. Karim SA, Ibrahim B,Tangiisuran B,Davies JG. What Do Healthcare Providers Know About Nutrition Support? A Survey of the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Pharmacists and Doctors Toward Nutrition Support in Malaysia.J Parenter Enteral Nutr2015;39(4). (ISI IF: 3.15)
  27. Hamza Mohamed Amin Mostafa, Arwa Mohamed Amin Mostafa, Nor Hayati Arif, Chin-Hoe Teh, Vikneswaran Murugaiyah, Baharudin Ibrahim. Identification of Alcohol-Dependence Biomarkers in urine by using Metabolomics Analysis. Malaysian Journal of Pharmacy 2015;2(1).
  28. Arwa Mohamed Amin Mostafa, Lim Sheau Chin, Muhamad Ali SK Abdul Kader, Omar Ismail, Dzul Azri Mohamed Noor, Yuen Kah Hay, Baharudin Ibrahim. The frequency of Clopidogrel high on treatment platelets reactivity (HTPR) among Coronary Artery Disease patients (CAD) undergoing Interventional Angiographic Procedure. Malaysian Journal of Pharmacy 2015;2(1).
  29. Eng-Keng Seow, Baharudin Ibrahim, Syahidah Akmal Muhammad, Lam Hong Lee, Japareng Lalung, Cheng Lai Hoong. Differentiation between house and cave edible bird’s nests (EBN) by chemometric analysis of major minerals composition data. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science. 2016;39(2):181–195.
  30. Eng-Keng Seow, Baharudin Ibrahim, Syahidah Akmal Muhammad, Lam Hong Lee, Cheng Lai Hoong. Differentiation between house and cave edible bird’s nests by chemometric analysis of amino acid composition data. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2016;65:428-435 (ISI IF: 2.47)
  31. Forough Ebrahimi, Baharudin Ibrahim, Chin-Hoe Teh, Vikneswaran Murugaiyah, Kit-Lam Chan. Urinary NMR-based metabolomic analysis of rats possessing variable sperm count following orally administered Eurycoma longifolia extracts of different quassinoid levels. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2016;182:80–89 (ISI IF: 3.00)
  32. Arwa Mohamed Amin Mostafa,Lim Sheau Chin,Hamza Mohamed Amin Mostafa,Muhamad Ali S.K. Abdul Kader,Dzul Azri Mohamed Noor,Yuen Kah Hay,Baharudin Ibrahim. The Identification of Novel Biomarkers of Clopidogrel High on Treatment Platelets Reactivity Using Pharmacometabonomics Analysis of Plasma in Coronary Artery Disease Patients. Journal of the American College Of Cardiology, 2016;67, S16. (ISI IF: 16.50)
  33. Paul A Marsden, Imran Satia, Baharudin Ibrahim, Ashley Woodcock, Lucy Yates, Iona Donnelly, Lisa Jolly, Neil C Thomson, Stephen J Fowler, Jaclyn A Smith. Objective Cough Frequency, Airway Inflammation and Disease Control in Asthma. Chest, 2016;149(6):1460-1466. (ISI IF: 7.48)
  34. Saravanapriya Thillaivanam, Arwa M. Amin, Sheila Gopalakrishnan, Baharudin Ibrahim. The Effectiveness Of Mcisaac Clinical Decision Rule In The Management Of Sore Throat: An Evaluation From Pediatrics Ward. Pediatric Research, 2016;80(4):516-520. (ISI IF: 2.86)
  35. Hamza Mostafa, Arwa M. Amin, Chin-Hoe Teh, Vikneswaran Murugaiyah, Nor Hayati Arif, Baharudin Ibrahim. Metabolic phenotyping of urine for discriminating alcohol-dependent from social drinkers and alcohol-naive subjects. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016;169:80-84. (ISI IF: 3.35)
  36. Forough Ebrahimi, Baharudin Ibrahim, Chin Hoe Teh, Vikneswaran Murugaiyah, Chan Kit Lam. 1HNMR Based Discriminatory Analysis of Eurycoma longifolia from Different Locations and Establishing a Profile for Primary Metabolites Identification and Quassinoids Quantification. Planta Medica, 2017;83(1-02):172-182. (ISI IF: 1.99)
  37. Forough Ebrahimi, Baharudin Ibrahim, Chin Hoe Teh, Vikneswaran Murugaiyah, Chan Kit Lam. NMR-based plasma metabolomic discrimination for male fertility assessment of rats treated with Eurycoma longifolia extracts. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine, 2017;Epub. (ISI IF: 1.20)
  38. Hamza Mostafa, Arwa M. Amin, Chin-Hoe Teh, Vikneswaran Murugaiyah, Nor Hayati Arif, Baharudin Ibrahim. Plasma metabolic biomarkers for discriminating individuals with alcohol use disorders from social drinkers and alcohol-naive subjects. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2017;77:1-5. (ISI IF: 2.47)
  39. Arwa M. Amin, Lim Sheau Chin, Dzul Azri Mohamed Noor,Muhamad Ali SK Abdul Kader, Yuen Kah Hay, Baharudin Ibrahim. The Personalization of Clopidogrel Antiplatelet therapy: The role of Integrative Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacometabolomics. Cardiology Research and Practice, 2017;Epub.


  1. Research Fellow. Medicines Evaluation Unit Ltd. The Langley Building, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester M23 9QZ. 2008-2011.
  2. Felo Academic Staff Training Scheme (ASTS). Universiti Sains Malaysia. 2006-2011.
  3. Book Prize. Best Final Year Student in Clinical Pharmacy Field. 2006/2007. Merck Sharp & Dohme. Malaysia.
  4. International Trainee Travel Award, Allergy, Immunology and Inflammation Assembly. 2010. American Thoracic Society. San Antonio, USA.
  5. International Trainee Travel Award, Clinical Problems Assembly. 2010. American Thoracic Society. San Antonio, USA.
  6. Best Oral Presenter Award (1st place). 2012. 4th Australasian Metabolomics Symposium 2012. Malaysia.
  7. Best poster award (3rd place). Forough Ebrahimi. 2012. 4th Australasian Metabolomics Symposium 2012. Malaysia.
  8. Best poster award (1st place). Forough Ebrahimi. International Conference on Natural Products (ICNP 2013), Malaysia.
  9. Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung. Journal Publication Category. 2013. Universiti Sains Malaysia. Malaysia.
  10. Best oral presentation award (3rd place). Saravanapriya Thillaivanam. 8th National Pharmacy Research and Development Conference. 2014. Shah Alam, Malaysia. National.
  11. Ubon Ratchathani Exchange Program 2014. Ubon Ratchathani University (UBU). Thailand. International.
  12.  Excellent Service Award. 2014. Universiti Sains Malaysia. Malaysia.

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