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School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Chan Siok Yee

chan siok yee
Chan Siok Yee, Dr.
J02 Room 126
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Tel : 604-6577888 Ext. 2233
Email :


Chan Siok Yee is a fully registered pharmacist and a member of academic staff in the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, USM since 2013. Siok Yee’s research interest lies in the development of drug delivery system using solid dispersion technique and the use of polymeric material in the said system. She holds a number of research grants including an international grant awarded by Glabal challenge research fund for malnutrition in children of developing countries. In teaching and learning, Siok Yee she has contributed in organizing a few workshops in order to expose the new pedagogy and technology integration in teaching and learning. She is also one of the initiators in the school who embraces innovative idea of flipped classroom, eLearning platform and video tutorial for compounding pharmacy, online tools in her teaching with award winning achievement and most importantly positive students’ feedbacks. Besides, Siok Yee was appointed as an official judge for the Reimagine Education Awards by 'Oscars' of Education 2019. Due to her passion and enthusiasm in education, Siok Yee received a prestigious award by Universiti Sains Malaysia – Anugerah Pendidik Cermerlang 2019. Siok Yee has received a number of honors including, 1st and 3rd placing in her research work early of this year, winner of oral presentation in KPJ healthcare conference 2018, Special Creativity Award and Gold medal in National Pharmacy Competition 2018, two Silver and a bronze medal in the international invention, innovation & design on e-learning competition 2018 and 2017, bronze medal in EduInnovation 2018, UKM, a silver and two bronze medal in ITLC 2018, a silver and a bronze in e-Learning Carnival & Conference 2018 UTeM and best oral presentation in Asian Young Pharmacist Leadership Summit 2019. Her outstanding tracked record has granted her a chance to attend a few prestigious meeting with stringent selection criteria, these include the 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, 24–29 June 2018, Global Young Scientist Summit 2019 as well as the  STEM symposium with the theme of Higher Education in a Disruptive Landscape: The State and Future of STEM Education Symposium, 24 - 25 May 2019.

Besides, community and social well-being are always her overarching vision in research. Following that, research projects related to environment, quality of life for patients and students are always part of her research interests. Hence, her creativity does not limit to her academic line, she has innovated the and copyrighted several popular life hack including DIY-Breast Pump kit for working mother which has been widely shared through the social media globally. Siok Yee expressed her proudest accomplishment in joining as a roof team for building home to the indigenous community in Batang Kali, Selangor, April 2019. The activity has not only impacted herself as a pharmacist but also the indigenous community and their generations to come. Another great accomplishment was realised in the indigenous community via vaccination awareness program and health screening in Kampung Orang Asli, Pos Kuala Mu. As a pharmacist that goes beyond the counter and classroom, Siok Yee was granted an international recognition of 1st Winner of Asian Young Pharmacist Group Award 2019 on the 8th November 2019 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

More information about Dr Chan could be found in

Courses taught

  • FAR 221/3 Physical Pharmacy I (coordinator)
  • FAR 223/3 Physical Pharmacy II
  • FAR 323/3 Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
  • FAR 423/4 Pharmaceutical Processing
  • FAR 424/4 Industrial Pharmacy

Research Interest

Chan Siok Yee is a fully registered pharmacist and a member of academic staff in the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, USM since 2013. Siok Yee’s research interest lies in the development of drug delivery system using solid dispersion technique and the use of polymeric material in the said system.

She is also one of the initiators in the school who embraces innovative idea of flipped classroom, eLearning platform and video tutorial for compounding pharmacy, online tools in her teaching with award winning achievement and most importantly positive students’ feedbacks. These happened well before the hit of COVID-19 crisis.


Dr Chan Siok Yee is our asset in USM. She is expert in solid state characterisation for formulation development of solid dispersion. She has published several highly cited and high impact journals in this related topic which provide excellent insight in crafting successful formulations. Apart from research, Dr Chan is awarded the prestigious fame of Pendidk Sanjungan 2018 due to her passion in education the coming generation. She has exceptional views in the learning process among the student and put herself in the shoe of the youngster when it comes to learning process. This led to her research and publication related to education despite being a pharmacist by profession.


Dr Chan acts as a domain expert for formulation development in the industries. The track record of her successful consultation works is listed as below:


Herbafactory LtD UK (5th November 2018)


Coral Waves Sdn. Bhd, 01/01/2017 - 30/06/2017

Utara Pharma (M) Sdn Shd (1242235-T)

Powerlife (M) SDN. BHD. 758085-W

MF Industries (PG0492414-U)

Selected Publication

Book Chapters
  • Siok-Yee Chan*, Theam Foo Ng, & Hassan, M. S. (Jan 2020). A survey of laboratory practice on water scarcity: Conservation of drained water from water distillation process. In Walter Leal Filho, Chris Shiel, Arminda do Paco & J. Rogers (Eds.), Universities as Living Labs for Sustainable Development: Supporting the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (Vol. 3). DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-15604-6_46
  • Siok Yee Chan*, Ng T.F., Chan S.S. (2019) Compromised Education: Seeing Through the Lens of Malaysian. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P., Wall T. (eds) Quality Education. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. DOI:
  • Siok-Yee Chan*, Yat Kuan Lam, Theam Foo Ng, Siok-Sin Chan (2019) Emerging flipped classroom as teaching pedagogy: Unravel the truth in Pharmacy course, section 1, Creativity in Pedagogy, pg 26-39, Editors Shukran Abdul Rahman, Munir Shuib, Glenda Crosling, Creativity in Education, Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia Pulau Pinang for National Higher Education Research Institute, ISBN 978-967-461-400-3, e-ISBN 978-967-461-405-8


  • Xin-Yi Teoh, Choon Fu Goh, Nafiu Aminu, Siok-Yee Chan* (2020) The Quantification of Atovaquone in in vitro and ex vivo Investigations from its Amorphous Solid Dispersion Formulation using A Validated HPLC Method, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (Accepted)
  • Xin-Yi Teoh, Yuyu Yeoh, Lai-Keng Yoong, Siok-Yee Chan* (2020), Sustainable Dissolution Performance of a Carrier Tailored Electrospun, Pharmaceutical Research, Pharm Res 37, 28 doi:10.1007/s11095-019-2734-0
  • Chee Chean Dang, Ngee Siang Lau, Yong Khee Guan , Siok Yee Chan* 2020 Treatment of Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia in pregnancy: A lady with 2 successful deliveries with healthy babies treated with All-Trans-Retinoic Acid, Arsenic Trioxide and chemotherapy during pregnancies, J Oncol Pharm Practice 0(0) 1–4;
  • Nafiu Aminu, Mun-Fei Yam, Siok-Yee Chan, Idris Bello, Nura Muhammad Umar, Nuhu Tanko, Seok-Ming Toh (2020 In-press), The evaluation of healing effect of triclosan and flurbiprofen-loaded nanogels in experimental periodontitis in rats by morphometric analysis, The Saudi Dental Journal, Available online 29 August 2020
  • Xin-Yi Teoh, Fatin Nasuha bt Mahyuddin, Waqas Ahmad & Siok-Yee Chan* (7th February 2020) Formulation Strategy of Nitrofurantoin: Co-crystal or Solid Dispersion? Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 25:2, 245-251, DOI: 10.1080/10837450.2019.1689401
  • Nafiu Aminu, Siok Yee Chan*, Mun Fei Yam, Seok Ming Toh* ( September 2019) A dual-action chitosan-based nanogel system of triclosan and flurbiprofen for localised treatment of periodontitis, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 570, 30 October 2019, 118659
  • Salimi, Sina; Sotudeh-Gharebagh, Rahmat; Zarghami, Reza; Siok Yee, Chan; Yuen, Kah Hay Production of nanocellulose and its applications in drug delivery: a critical review ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 19, 15800-15827
  • Siok Yee Chan, Amirah Binti Mohd Gazzali (2019) A pilot test on the application of an e-book with videos in the teaching and learning of compounding for pharmacy students, Pharmacy Education, Pharmacy Education, 2019; 19 (1) 206 – 211
  • Siok Yee Chan, Choon Fu Goh, Jui Yeh Lau, Yi Cin Tiew, Thesigan Balakrishnan (May 2019), Rice starch thin films as a potential buccal delivery system: Effect of plasticiser and drug loading on drug release profile, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 562, Pages 203-211
  • Siok Yee Chan*, Yat Kuan Lam, Theam Foo Ng (Apr 2019) Student’s Perception on Initial Experience of Flipped Classroom in Pharmacy Education: Are We Ready?, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Volume 57 Issue 1, Pages 62-73,
  • Aminu, N., Chan, S-Y. & Toh, S-M. (2018). Development and validation of a stability-indicating HPLC-UV method for the simultaneous determination of flurbiprofen and triclosan in dental nanogel formulations. J. Phys. Sci., 29(Supp. 1), 1–7,
  • Chan Siok Yee, 2018, Formulation design and optimization of triclosan loaded nanoparticles for enhanced drug delivery across gingival sulcus by Resolution IV modeling of Design Expert®, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND CLINICAL SCIENCES, 3:,
  • Toh Seok Ming, Chan Siok Yee, 2017, A simple stability-indicating HPLC method for simultaneous analysis of paracetamol and caffeine and its application to determinations in fixed-dose combination tablet dosage form ISI, ACTA CHROMATOGRAPHICA, :, (Impact Factor : 0.773)
  • Chee-Chean Dang, Mardhiah Amiruddin, Siew-Shyuan Lai, Chern-Fuong Low, Siok-Yee Chan* (2017). An emerging role of pharmacist in pre-chemotherapy counselling among breast cancer patients. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. March-April 2017;79(2) 294-302
  • Nafiu Aminu, Siok-Yee Chan, Seok-Ming Toh (2017), Roles of Nanotechnological Approaches in Periodontal Disease Therapy, Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, Vol. 7 (07), pp. 234-242. DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.70735
  • Nur Faezatil Farhana, Chan Siok Yee, Laili Che Rose (2017), Coated Gellan Gum Hydrogel as drug carrier for colon targeted drug delivery, Journal of Sustainability Science & Management Special Issue, Accepted.
  • Nafiu Aminu, Siok-Yee Chan, Nasir Hayat Khan, Seok-Ming Toh (2017), Concurrent Determination of Triclosan and Flurbiprofen by High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method in Nanogel Formulation and Simulated Saliva (2017), Acta Chromatographica, Accepted,
  • Chan SY, Toh SM, Khan NH, Chung YY, Cheah XZ (Dec 2016). The improved dissolution performance of a post processing treated spray-dried crystalline solid dispersion of poorly soluble drugs. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2016 Apr 24:1-13.
  • Farhan, A. B., J. Quah, E. P. Lin Lee and -Y. Chan* (2016). "An investigation into the factors governing the degree of dissolution enhancement of solid dispersion for poorly soluble drugs." GSTF Journal of Advances in Medical Research (JAMR) 2(1): 1. DOI 10.7603/s40782-015-0001-9
  • Chan, S.-Y., Chung, Y.-Y., Cheah, X.-Z., Yen-Ling Tan, E., Quah, J., (Oct 2015) The characterization and dissolution performances of spray dried solid dispersion of Ketoprofen in hydrophilic carriers. Asian J. Pharm. Sci. 10(5), 372-385 doi:10.1016/j.ajps.2015.04.003.
  • Chan S-Y, Qi S, Craig DQM (Nov 2015). An investigation into the influence of drug–polymer interactions on the miscibility, processability and structure of polyvinylpyrrolidone-based hot melt extrusion formulations. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2015; 496(1): 95-106. 1016/j.ijpharm.2015.09.063
  • Chan Siok Yee, The Use Of Hot Melt Extrusion In The Preparation Of Solid Dispersion (2013), International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences (IJBPAS), 2(12) , 2415-2442

Bulletin/ Magazine 

  • Chan Siok Yee (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences), Shangeetha Ganesan (School of Chemical Sciences) and Tan Jun Jie (Advanced Medical and Dental Institute), Covid-19: Knowing the Instruments of Household Hygiene, Voices of USM, Penang Monthly, August 2020
  • Lam, Y. K., & Chan, S. Y*, (November 2017), MONEY GAMES REFLECTS ON HUMAN WEAKNESSES: GREED AND DESIRE. Bulletin of Higher Education research, pp. 28-30.
  • Chan Siok Yee*, Nur Aina Syakirah Yaacob, & Amirah Binti Mohd Gazzali, (November 2017), Video Tutorial As Potential Tool For Demonstration of Pharmaceutical Dosage Form Preparation For Pharmacy Students In University. Bulletin of Higher Education Research, pp. 3-5.

Research Supervision

Dr Chan has so far graduated 4 PhD students. She has 2 Master student that has passed her viva and submitted her final copy for the convocation this year. There are more than 18 Final year project students, and three groups of WSU subject with 10 students in each group graduated under her supervision. The evident of effective supervision has been revealed mainly on the successfulness of her student in winning a few prestigious awards at national level. Dr Chan coaches instead of instructs her student on research skill. The students are empowered to showcase their research work through oral or poster presentation in conferences.

Graduated Postgraduate

  • Chiang Xin Yen, Master (Thesis, as main supervisor) Research and Development of Self-emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SEDDS) for Enhanced Bioavailability of Curcumin, Viva pass on 02 November 2018 (Friday)- completed
  • Emily Wong Yii Ling, PhD (Thesis Research, as co-supervisor) “Development, Evaluation and Application of Co-Processed Adjuvant Containing Inulin, Mannitol and Polyvivylpyrrolidone” Viva Pass on 28 November 2018 (Wednesday)- completed
  • Nafiu Aminu, PhD (Thesis Research, as co-supervisor), Development and evaluation of nanoparticulate drug delivery system loaded with two drugs (antimicrobial and analgesic) that could be used for the treatment of Periodontitis, viva pass on 24 Disember 2018 (Isnin)- completed
  • Sina Salimi, Master (Thesis, as co-supervisor) Nano-cellulose particles as drug carriers for controlled release of drugs, University of Tehran (international collaboration-completed)
  • Nasir Hayat Khan, PhD (Thesis-Research, as main supervisor), Development and Characterisation of Phytosomes Prepared of Standardized Orthosiphon Stamineus Extract (Misai Kucing) as a Chemopreventive Agent in Colorectal Tumor, registered in 2014 (Completed)
  • Ahmed Bassam, PhD (Thesis Research, as main supervisor), The investigation into mechanism underlying dissolution performances of amorphous solid dispersion system, registered in January 2015 (Completed)
  • Seow Eng Kwong, Master (Thesis, as main supervisor) Formulation and Characterization of Soy-based Functional Food

Graduated undergraduate student

  • Angela Teoh Xing Yee (2018), The Comparison Between Spray Dried And Co-Melted Paracetamol/Pvp K29-32 Solid Dispersion Systems
  • Nur Farah Syahirah Binti Samsudin (2018), The Use Of Surfactant In Dissolution Performances Of Hydrophilic Based Spray Dried Solid Dispersion
  • Nurul Jannah Binti Muhammad Rawi (2018), Amorphous Solids: A Solution For Dissolution Performances Of Poorly Soluble Active Pharmaceutical Drugs
  • LIW JYI JUN (2018), The Preparation And Characterization Of Co-Precipitated Flurbiprofen - Polyethylene Glycol Crystalline Dispersion System
  • Fatin Nasuha Binti Mahyuddin (2018), The Enhanced Dissolution Performances Of Nitrofurantoin Via Co-Crystallization And Solid Dispersions Strategies
  • Teoh Xin Yi (2018), Fabrication And Characterization Of Electrospun Fibers For Drug Delivery System
  • Joan Quah, Final year project (graduated), An investigation into dissolution performances of PVPVA-based spray dried solid dispersion, completed in 2015
  • Hanisah Tarsik, Final year project (graduated), Glass Forming Ability of Active Pharmaceuticals Drugs, 2017
  • Fatin Afiqah Bt Nordin, Final year project (graduated), An Investigation Into Dissolution Performance of Co Precipitated Etoricoxib With HPMC, 2017
  • Ahmad Ghazali Bin Ismail, Final year project (graduated), The Comparison Between Co-Melted And Spray Dried Clotrimazole-PVPVA Solid Dispersions Systems, 2017
  • Tan Ying Jing, Industrial training student from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Preparation and Characterization of Clotrimazole solid dispersion, 2015
  • Loh Yung Hao , Mohammad Shah Hanif Bin Mohd Ariffin ,Mohd Hafiy Bin Mansor, Ng Chong Yuan , Nurul Izzah Bt Mohd Fauzi, Rabiatul Adawiyah Bt Mohamed Imran, Siti Hafawati Bt Che Lateh, The Shu Yi, Teoh Jia Ming, 2016, Project(Coursework Mode), Survey On Green Lab Practice Conservation On Non-Distilled Water From Distillation Process
  • Nurul Asyiqin Bt Mohd Shafie, Nurul Nasuha Nadhirah Bt Mohd Shukri, Amira Hadia Binti Muhammad Azmi, Atiqah Binti Mohamad, Siti Najaa Binti Jonit, Siti Waeedah Binti Md Isa, Noranizah Binti Riba, Abdul Rahman Bin Abdul Najib, Lukindren A/L Manian, Seperi Anak Judan 2017, Perception Towards Paperless University Among USM Community
  • Thesigan A/l Balakrishnan, 2016, Final Year Project, Rice film as a potential dosage form for drug delivery, Cosupervisor, Active
  • Lau Jui Yeh, 2016, Final Year Project, Rice film as a potential dosage form for drug delivery, Co-supervisor
  • Tiew Yi Cin, 2016, Final Year Project, Rice film as a potential dosage form for drug delivery, Co-supervisor
  • Lai Xue San, Karen Lau, Kho Hui Yuan, Koay Lay Lin, Kong Soon Lee, Jee Ming Nee, Lee Mung Yee, Liew Hui Mian, Sri Mirasneswary A/P Gunasekaran (2018) Paper Waste Management Through Recycling In Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Muslihah binti Mohamed Nadzri, Interactive Learning in School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia: Feasibility of flipped classroom in pharmacy education.
  • Nur Aina Syakirah binti Yaacob, Interactive Learning in pharmacy education for course FAR122 in School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia: Video as one of learning tools
  • Yuyu Yeoh, Dissolution and Permeability Enhancement of Electrospun Solid dispersion vai modulating water soluble polymer blends, 2018
  • Lai KengYoong ,Yuyu Yeoh, Siok-Yee Chan*, Exploring the feasibility of existing coating machine as a potential manufacturing method in the preparation of solid dispersion, 2018


Current Research

  • Nutrient film delivery system for pediatric (collaboration with MPOB)
  • Unravel the underlying mechanism of inconsistent dissolution performances of solid dispersion as oral drug delivery system for poorly soluble drug
  • Natural product for gastroprotective effect
  • Development and characterisation of biomass-based cellulose hydrogels as drug delivery system

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