PhD (Pharm Practice)(Monash university), MPharm (Pharm Practice)(UNIKL-RCMP), BPharm (Hons)(USM)
Senior Lecturer
Discipline of Clinical Pharmacy
J02 Room 101A
+604-6577888 Ext. 2234
Author ID
Christina Malini Christopher, Dr
Dr. Christina holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons), a Master of Pharmacy from Universiti Kuala Lumpur (Royal College of Medicine Perak), and a Doctorate from Monash University. With 16 years of experience as a practicing pharmacist in both primary and tertiary healthcare settings within the Ministry of Health Malaysia (Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia), she has developed a comprehensive understanding of pharmaceutical care delivery within our healthcare system.
Research Interest
Geriatric pharmaceutical care
Pharmacy Practice
Global Health
Opiate addiction therapy
Quality of Life
Qualitative research
Christopher, C. M., Kc, B., Blebil, A., Alex, D., Ibrahim, M. I. M., Ismail, N., & Alrasheedy, A. A. (2021, November). Clinical and Humanistic Outcomes of Community Pharmacy-Based Healthcare Interventions Regarding Medication Use in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. In Healthcare (Vol. 9, No. 11, p. 1577). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
Christopher, C, KC, B, Shrestha, S, et al. Medication use problems among older adults at a primary care: A narrative of literature review. Aging Med. 2022; 5: 126– 137. doi:10.1002/agm2.12203
Christopher CM, Blebil AQ, Bhuvan KC, et al. Medication use problems and factors affecting older adults in primary healthcare. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2023.
Christopher, C. M., Blebil, A. Q., Bhuvan, K. C., Alex, D., Ibrahim, M. I. M., Rajakumar, S., & Ismail, N. (2023). Medication Use Questionnaire for Older Adults in Malaysia: Translation, Cultural Adaptation, and Reliability. Value in Health Regional Issues, 35, 34-41.
Christopher CM, Loong MCW, Blebil AQ, et al. Helping older adults with their medication use problems: A qualitative study on perspectives and challenges of primary health care providers. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2023;111:105007
Bhuvan, K. C., Alrasheedy, A. A., Leggat, P. A., Ibrahim, M. I. M., Christopher, C. M., Sapkota, B., & Shrestha, S. (2022). Types and outcomes of pharmacist-managed travel health services: A systematic review. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 102494.
Shrestha, S., Shrestha, R., Ahmed, A., Sapkota, B., Khatiwada, A. P., Christopher, C. M., ... & Paudyal, V. (2022). Impact of pharmacist services on economic, clinical, and humanistic outcome (ECHO) of South Asian patients: a systematic review. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 15(1), 37.
Malini, C., SHAMSUDIN, A. F., & Wahab, N. A. A. (2018). Effectiveness of methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) and life style improvement among opiate dependent patients registered. Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia (Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences), 17(1).
Christopher CM, Blebil AQ, Bhuvan K, et al. Assessing feasibility of conducting medication review with follow-up among older adults at community pharmacy: a pilot randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2024:1-11.
Kc B, Alrasheedy AA, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, et al. Combatting opioid misuse, overuse and abuse: a systematic review of pharmacists' services and outcomes. Pain Management. 2024;14(9):519-529.
FAR 193/3 Social and Public Health Pharmacy
FAR 352/4 Clinical Pharmacy Practice
FAR 460/2 Traditional and Complementary Medicine
FAR 465/2 Pharmacy Aseptic Services
FAR 467/2 Applied Therapeutic 1
Member of Malaysian Pharmaceutical SocietyMember ISPOR
Malaysian Healthy Ageing Society-Member
Journal manuscript reviewer• Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice• BMC Geriatrics• Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy• Critical Public Health• Plos One• BMC Complementary medicine
ISPOR 2024 Conference Abstracts Reviewer
Malaysian Pharmaceutical Service R&D Conference Abstract reviewer 2024
- Excellence Service Award from Public Service Department, Malaysia (2017)